Pandemic Isolation Campaign - Missions during years 2020 - 2021
Isolation Campaign
The main objective of the Pandemic Isolation Campaign inside the LunAres Research Station is the study of neurological and psychological effects of the quarantine, which currently affects us globally. Productivity, creativity and general health are influenced significantly by the conditions in which people function, therefore it is important to research the impact of extreme environment of isolation as it is still unknown.
Additionally, the character of LunAres Research Station - being an analog habitat, provides researchers with a great opportunity to combining those medical and psychological studies with the space mission scenarios. The human factor is one of the key aspects of the manned missions in future plans regarding lunar, martian and deep-space exploration.
Sustainability Studies
The second main objective is the study of a new hygiene module with a waste water management recycling system. The new installation treats grey water and allows for recycling both grey and yellow water for scientific purpose. The system needs to be tested, samples analysed, to serve as the basis for future sustainable researches on circularity and self-sufficiency. This research is also important in terms of responsible resources management study inside the station.Currently, grey water can be reused for flushing toilet or plant cultivation research. Grey water experiments consider mostly preliminary treatment with microfiltration systems and analysis of elements and surfactants content. The station is equipped with hydroponic and aeroponic plant cultivation installation, which was recently linked with waste water research.
EVA Campaign
Finally, the whole campaign will also conduct research on EVA, including procedures development based on remote technical support and astronauts accessories. The LunAres can provide detailed monitoring analysis of crew and rovers performance during the terrain exploration activities. The hangar terrain is filled with diverse basaltic and silicic material, with grain sizing varying from very fine sand to cobble. Such diversity is sufficient for our interest in analog astronauts tools and accessories prototyping.The main characteristic at LunAres, when it comes to EVA scenarios, is full isolation. The outdoor tasks are executed inside the hangar, which is entirely isolated from the outside conditions and landscape view. Therefore, the crew members do not experience familiar terrestrial landscapes, sunlight rays, wind and other outdoor environment conditions.
Long-term experiments and research

Institution and PI: LunAres Team
LunAres Team is collecting basic data on medical telemetry during every mission
organized by LunAres. It allows for collecting big data from more than one mission or
a limited amount of analog astronauts. The data is stored, encrypted and available
for interested researchers and institutions after contacting the LunAres Team and
conditions discussion.

Institution and PIs: Aleksander Waśniowski MD PhD, Malgorzata Perycz PhD
The aim of this study is to determine the volume of the hippocampus (part of the brain involved in spatial orientation) and the levels of selected neurotransmitters and brain metabolites (which gives information about brain activity) in order to investigate possible changes caused by a short-term isolation in a small space.

Institution and PIs: Pomeranian University of Technology
The study will allow the analysis of the impact of a lyophilisate diet on the physicochemical parameters of saliva. Its quantity and quality in correlation with the state of oral hygiene have a significant impact on the frequency and intensity of caries, decalcification, non-caries cavities and inflammation of the gums. The protective effect of saliva in relation to oral tissues can be of particular importance for astronauts involved in space missions.

Institution and PI: Silesian University of Technology
Muscles, being an effector part of the human motor system have the most plasticity among all tissues taking part in motion. There are several motor abilities influenced by the condition of muscles. Therefore any changes caused by psycho-physiological conditions should manifest themselves in basic human motor system examination.

Institution and PI: Gdańsk University of Physical Education and Sport
Defining the level of influence of neurofeedback sessions on stress model profiles experienced during isolation according to molecular, neurophysiological, psychomotorical, psychological signatures.


Institution and PI: Agnieszka Skorupa PhD


Institution and PI: LunAres Team
The biolab module is equipped with aeroponic and hydroponic units for plant cultivation. During each mission, the system is used for research on growing plants in a soilless process. The crew’s responsibilities include maintenance of the system, nourishment preparation, samples collection for analysis and reports filling.

Institution and PI: LunAres Team
Greywater experiments consider mostly preliminary treatment with micro filtration system and analysis of elements and surfactants content. This research will be further extended to the potential usage of preliminary treated greywater and yellow water as a source for plants cultivation.

Institution and PI: LunAres Team
Investigation of crews strategies on resources management.