Endymion (2019)

PANDA Mission – M01_Q1.21
1 March 2021
13 November 2019
Mission Duration:
2 weeks

  • Leszek Orzechowski – (Poland) - Commander
  • Augoustinos Pantazidis – (Greece) – Executive Office, Biosystems Engineer
  • Amanda Solaniuk – (Poland) - Biomedical Engineer
  • Kevin Rebelo – (Canada, Portugal) - Outreach
  • Aleksander Bojda – (Poland) - Robotic Engineer
  • Agata Mintus – (Poland) Material Engineer

Mission control:
Space is More
Space Garden Sp. z o.o., Space is More Sp. z o.o.
Honorary Patronage:
POLSA - Polska Agencja Kosmiczna

The Endymion mission was a lunar mission. Its main goal was to conduct medical and psychological research on the crew, checking the effect of group isolation in a small space with access to a specific diet and routine. The research was conducted in cooperation with the Pomeranian Medical University (PUM) and Leszczyński Medical Center "Ventriculus". Before and after the mission, the crew underwent a medical inspection aimed at analyzing their oral hygiene, as well as MRI examinations and psychological tests.

Additionally, in similar isolation conditions, the behaviour of the bee swarm was studied. The analysis was done using a system using artificial intelligence algorithms. The bees example was investigated as a model for predicting the behaviour of human communities in confinement. The behaviour of bees was compared to the control group operating in the open air.

The crew conducted numerous EVA 'space walks' to continue on improving the procedures developed during previous missions. In addition, accessories and tools to support the range of motion and dexterity of astronauts during EVA tasks were developed and prototyped. The station also carried out the first test of the LEO rover at LunAresa.

Lunares Space