
Facility Members

Leszek Orzechowski

Facility Manager

Agata Mintus

Mission and Research Lead


Paula Drozdowska

Mission Preparation Lead

Katarzyna Ignatowicz

Social Media and Outreach Cooridnator

Karolina Komorowska

Crew Coordinator


Zuzanna Paśko

Research Lead’s Associate & Flight Doctor

Dominika Mirko

Graphic Lead

Natalia Ćwilichowska

Research Lead’s Associate

dr n med. Aleksander Waśniowski

Medical Researcher, Flight Surgeon

dr Agnieszka Skorupa

Psychological Research Coordinator 

Zdzisław Rejdych

Chief Technician

LunAres Ambassadors

Emily Apollonio

CEO & Founder at Interstellar Performance Labs

Martina Dimoska

Founder and President of International Space Alliance

Karim Garad

Engineer at the Egyptian Space Agency

Kajetan Gudowski

Member of the Students’ Council to the President of POLSA and IAF

Matej Poliaček

ISS Flight Operations Engineer

Eduardo Salazar Pérez

Research Assitant at LINX-ICN-UNAM

Krzysztof Stężała

Senior Space Robotics Engineer

Tiffany Waller

Earth Scientist


Lunares Space